Thursday, July 15, 2010


modelmaker software used by fablab
I finally have something that is directly applicable to my job as a mathematics teacher. The Fablab videos are fascinating to me. I had to google digital fabrication and learned it is the process of making a 3-dimensional object of some kind from a 2-dimensional design and material.
I went on to learn more watching three videos about the manipulation of "nets" using the software program, ModelMaker. Nets are frequently used in mathematics to aid in the study of surface area of cylinders, cones, prisms, and pyramids. I researched the software and printer requirements and found it to be somewhat cost prohibitive, but perhaps in the future it could be an investment my school might be willing to make.

FabLab ModelMaker: Change a Shape Net's Permutation

FabLab ModelMaker: Break Apart or Separate Shape Nets

FabLab ModelMaker: Making Shapes with a Hole


  1. Hey Kimberly! I think it's great that you want to teach your students how to use the FABLAB! We need more math teachers who are willing to make classes more hands on. I think that students would really enjoy this because it is hands on and it's not all about lecturing. Hopefully your school will make an investment so you will be able to share this with your students!

  2. A grant! Write a grant proposal and see what happens. Send it to BP perhaps? Even if they have no grant fund, send it to the Chairman and say need a positive which will help prepare future engineers!

    I'll help!
